Zitat tornado Scicli 12 km south of Ragusa Sicilia Italy (36.79 N, 14.70 E)03-11-2010 (Wednesday) 15:00 UTC (+/- 3 hrs.)based on: information from photo or video of the event, a newspaper report, a report on a websiteland use: land land use where event was first observed: waterThe funnel cloud was observed.number of people injured: 4tornado over Scicli - Sicily- Italy: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJws0t-ew8M ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqiiNHqZPM8&feature=relat ed ;report status: as received (QC0)contact: Daniele Bianchino [e-mail]
dier ersten Tornados tauchen nun auf...aber dies war im Grunde fast nur mehr wahrscheinlich bei diesem Monstersystem. (das 2. wohlgemerkt)-