24.05.2010 - Tornado F1 T3 Gosławice, Jaroszówka (Polen)

26.05.2010 11:42 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.06.2011 02:09)
#1 24.05.2010 - Tornado F1 T3 Gosławice, Jaroszówka (Polen)


Władysławów, Gosławice, Jaroszówka, Wola Kałkowa Łódzkie
Poland (52.05 N, 19.63 E)
24-05-2010 (Monday) 18:20 UTC (+/- 15 min.)

based on: information from photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a report on a website
land use: land land use where event was first observed: rural area (crops, grassland, both or unknown)
intensity: F1 T3
the intensity rating was based on photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage.
direction of movement: WNW-ESE
Another tornado touchdown was reported in the Kutno region . Tornado damaged some roofs. The most significant damages were reported in Wola Kałkowska (tornado blew the roof off the building completely). Source: "Pozrywane dachy we wsiach pod Kutnem", eKutno.pl - PORTAL MIASTA KUTNO, 25.05.2010

report status: report confirmed (QC1)

contact: Artur Surowiecki (Skywarn Polska) [e-mail]

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

Quelle: http://www.ekutno.pl

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"So foul a sky clears not without a storm." (Shakespeare)


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26.05.2010 11:55
#2 RE: 24.05.2010 - Tornado F1 T3 Gosławice, Jaroszówka (Polen)

Ach du sch... Immer wieder Polen! Des is echt zach!

Standort: Wien, 1050

"...es rotiert..." :D


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