15.08.2008 - Tornado F2 T5> Karkoszki, Kolonia (Polen)

09.11.2010 05:11
#1 15.08.2008 - Tornado F2 T5> Karkoszki, Kolonia (Polen)


Kletnia, Karkoszki, Kolonia Bobrowiecka, Gomunice, Chrzanowice Łódzkie
Poland (51.17 N, 19.48 E)
15-08-2008 (Friday) 17:15 UTC (+/- 1 hrs.)

based on: information from photo or video of the event, photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a report on a website, a damage survey by a severe weather expert
land use: land land use where event was first observed: land
intensity: F2 T5
The funnel cloud was observed.
path length: 10 km
direction of movement: SW-NE
damage to property: 20 buildings were damaged. another 2 buildings were destroyed
Tornado was observed on the ground. Category T5/F2 confirmed, but it is possible, that tornado was stronger. Source: http://www.multipartner.pl/chrzanowice/; http://info.wiara.pl/doc/178217.Chrzanowice-nas-potrzebuja; http://tvntl.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&a mp;id=733&Itemid=1; photos of damages: http://www.multipartner.pl/chrzanowice/content/view/74/35/; video of that event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=PL&hl=pl&v=gQNoatbtE OU&feature=related

report status: report confirmed (QC1)

contact: Artur Surowiecki (Skywarn Polska) [e-mail]

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