26.05.2010 - Tornado F1 Bistrita-Nasaud (Rumänien)

05.06.2010 00:42 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 18.06.2011 02:08)
#1 26.05.2010 - Tornado F1 Bistrita-Nasaud (Rumänien)


Silvaşu de Cîmpie Bistriţa-Năsăud
Romania (46.78 N, 24.30 E)
26-05-2010 (Wednesday) 15:00 UTC (+/- 1 hrs.)

based on: information from photo or video of the event, an eye-witness report, a report by a weather service, a newspaper report, a television or radio broadcast, photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a report on a website, a damage survey by a severe weather expert
land use: land land use where event was first observed: land
intensity: F1
the intensity rating was based on a damage survey by a severe weather expert, a written account of the damage (e.g. in a newspaper), photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, an eyewitness report of the damage.
total event duration: 20 min.
The funnel cloud was observed.
damage to property: 17 hs affected
damage to crops and forests: At least four hectares of forest on the radius of the village were put down
Head Meteorological Station Bistrita, Aurel Marcu confirmed that the phenomenon was a tornado, F1 intensity. The vortex rotation speed reached 150 kilometers per hour and even more, and the movement speed was 30 kilometers per hour explains meteorologist. The mayor said the tornado (this is uncertain) swept the whole village. The storm started at the bottom of the village and in a few minutes it reached the other side. sources: http://www.adevarul.ro/locale/bistrita/Prima_tornada_din_jud et_a_lovit_la_Silivasu_de_Campie_0_269373343.html http://www.videonews.ro/action/viewvideo/48020/Tornada-in-Ro mania-O-localitate-din-Bistrita-Nasaud-luata-pe-sus-de-furtu na/ http://webtv.realitatea.net/actual/un-sat-din-bistrita-a-fos t-distrus-de-furtuna http://www.antena3.ro/stiri/meteo/bistrita-o-furtuna-asemana toare-cu-o-tornada-a-smuls-copacii-din-radacini-si-acoperisu rile-caselor-unei-comune_100158.html http://www.meteorologie.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&p=38 232#p38232

report status: report confirmed (QC1)

contact: Ovidiu [e-mail]

Quelle: http://www.realitatea.net

Quelle: http://www.emaramures.ro

Quelle: http://www.emaramures.ro

Quelle: http://www.emaramures.ro

Quelle: http://www.emaramures.ro


Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro

Quelle: http://www.meteorologie.ro


http://www.meteorologie.ro - Satbild dazu

http://www.meteorologie.ro - + Radarbilder

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