Es ist heute die ganze Nacht nicht auszuschließen,dass kurzzeitig ein Gewitter aufschießt. Aber was heftiges wird bis zu den Morgenstunden nicht mehr dabei sein,daher wird später vom Obmann entwarnt ;)
LCL / LFC heights in order of 2 km and locally more than 2 MJ/m² ICAPE are forecast for a broad region of the southeastern parts of central Europe. Even though deep layer shear is in order of only 10 m/s, some organized multicells and pulsating storms should develop. Soundings from Vienna and Zagreb indicate that most of the CAPE should be located at an altitude above the freezing level, which is favourable for isolated large hail. Evaporative cooling may lead to some severe wind gusts as well and overall coverage is expected to meet the level 1 criteria. After sunset, CAPE will decrease and severe events will become less likely.