Einen heftigen Tornado gab es gestern knapp vor Catania in Sizilien....
Zuerst mal der ESWD Eintrag:
Zitat Maristaeli, Motta Sant'Anastasia 7 km W of Catania, Sicilia Italy (37.51 N, 14.97 E) 14-12-2009 (Monday) 14:30 UTC (+/- 15 min.)
based on: information from photo or video of the event, a newspaper report, a report on a website land use: land land use where event was first observed: land The funnel cloud was observed. path length: 5 km direction of movement: SSW-NNE number of people injured: 3 number of people dead: 1 tornado observed which hit Motta Sant'Anastasia village area near Catania; one man killed, at least three injured; source 1: "Tornado a Catania: aeroporto chiuso 3 ore", ANSA / meteoweb.it, 14.12.2009; source 2: Video pazzesco del tornado nel catanese (meteoweb.it, 15.12.2009): http://www.meteoweb.it/cgi/intranet.pl?_tit=Video%20pazzesco %20del%20tornado%20nel%20catanese&_cgifunction=form& _layout=news&keyval=news.news_id%3D12071;
report status: event fully verified (QC2)
contact: Thilo Kühne (ESWD management) [e-mail]
und nun ein mehr als BEEINDRUCKENDES Video: (wieder einmal sieht man dass sowas total unterschätzt wird, umbedingt bis zum Schluß gucken)
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