On friday, an intense cold fron passed over the Alps, bringing heavy rain, snow, and atleast here in Slovenia, also a lot of positive lightning. I live 1050m above sea level, so rain turned quite fast to snow. In 4 hours, around 4cm of snow has fallen, but the amount would be about 10cm, if the warm ground wouldn`t melt it while it was falling. :)
So here are some photos of the cold front passing over, on 7.10.2011:
In the morning, there was already 7/8 of cloudness.
Around 10:00, the front began to move over Pohorje.
The next morning, the skies were mostly clear. Estimated view range, was around 70km. :)
In the morning, there was around 4cm of frozen snow. I was measuring with my hand. :D
The wide hill, way in the back, is the Croatian hill Medvednica. :)
And a panorama shot for ending. :)
Here is the IR satellite image of the well visible cold front.
And a 12 hour radar animation. It is 6MB in size.
On a side note (offtopic): This snow was a good opportunity for me, to show you the place where I live. :) I live on a small farm, and I love animals, so I have 6 cows, 4 pigs, 2 dogs and 2 cats. Just enough to make me happy. :D
Wonderful Pictures, amazing! It´s look like an winter-paradise :) The clouds/fog in the Mountains are wonderful :)
Rechtschreibfehler sind Specialeffects meiner Tastatur! --- Austattung: Canon EOS 90D mit mehreren Objektiven Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ High End PC Laptop Auto mit 230V Wechselrichter ---
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow :D
Andrej the farmer :D
Great pictures :) Nice to see where you live. It seems like nowhere but it looks very beautiful there. I think its a good place to relax, right? Quiet and the nature... This is exactly what I need during stressful everyday life. And the snow is the add-on :D
lg Christoph
Aktuell: Wien, 8. Bezirk [~200 m ü.A.] Wochentags: Wien, 8. Bezirk [~200 m ü.A.] Wochenende: Hartberg, nördliche Oststeiermark [359 m ü. A.] Kameras: Sony Alpha 77, Sony Alpha 300, Samsung Galaxy S8, Sony HD Camcorder
@Zunki: Yes, Andrej the farmer. :D Its not really nowhere. Its just a spread out village. :) And I have every technology that you have, so it doesnt really matter if I live "nowhere". :D And it really is a great place to live and relax. :)