Bodenblitze sind nichts anderes als positive (extrem laut, destruktiv und gefährlich) oder negative (schwächer, dennoch lebensbedrohlich) elektrische Entladungen, die von der (Gewitter)wolke zur Erde erfolgen. Weiters gibt es noch die Wolkenblitze, die innerhalb einer oder mehrerer Wolken auftreten und am Boden nirgends einschlagen. -
That is basically any lightning that connects with the ground. Karli already mentioned positive and negative lightning, but there is also a hybrid called Bipolar lightning.
So the polarity depends mainly on the main charge. Positive lightning strikes from the top of the storm, where the positive charge is usually situated. And negative strikes from negative bottom of the storm.
The reason why Positive is much more powerful, louder and destructive, is because the main channel is longer, thicker and more power "discharges". Positive lightning can be stronger than negative by 10x! :)
Bipolar lightning is not so researched yet, but it is basically a discharge between negative and positive in the cloud and has another arc to the ground. it can only be recognized by lightning detectors. But it is easy to differ positive and negative lightning. :)
A summary: Bodenblitze is any lightning that connects with the ground, and can have different polarity, which affects the power, sound and damage made by the lightning.
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